sábado, 3 de outubro de 2015

How to read more

Hi readers!!!
If you are like me, you tend to not read when you start school because you have a bunch of things to do, but this is not a problem!
First of all, you HAVE to feel that reading is a relaxing thing, you don't have to feel it like a obligation, this is worse.
If you don't feel into reading then just don't read, what if you don't read today? Nobody will blame you !!!
I used to be like this, but this year I started different.
I always carry a book with me, it seems to make no difference but it really does! I read while I'm going to school, I read while I'm coming back home, I read while I have to go by myself somewhere. In the end of the day you read more than a chapter and you will feel better with your reading habits.
Another thing that I just started doing is reading in study breaks. I study for 30 minutes, all focus, and then I read for 5 minutes. It really helps me to concentrate and to feel more motivated to do my stuff.
Just give it a try!!!

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